Friday, August 22, 2008

Yay! I gots a job! That's right, after about 80 or so applications I have a job at Peet's Coffee. It doesn't pay exactly enough, so I'm still looking. I have an interview on Tuesday for Urban Outfitters and on Thursday for a receptionist position for a construction company. But until then, I start at Peet's tomorrow, so hopefully I won't be as broke and my apartment search will be more successful.

I went to my school yesterday which was very neat. Got all my paperwork taken care of and all ready to start Sept. 4th. I can't wait to start but at the same time I'm more interested in next semester when I'll get more interesting classes (right now I have introductory to film and the history of film). :P


lKarissaRobynl said...

receptionists jobs r kinda poopie if u ask me!!! so hopefully u do good in the other interviews!! but Congrats on the coffee shop job!!!
Oh i start school on thursday so i'll have to tell u how that goes!! nd the second u find an apt. u r gonna need to take a billion pics so i can put them together to make a 360 picture!!!!

Bev G said...

Hey Jaye
Enjoy the coffee shop for now and hope other jobs pan out. Your personality will get you far so timing will eventually get you what you want. Glad you've had time to see the sights and take some great pics. Your classes I'm sure will be interesting and next semester should be exciting (the real meat).
Keeping taking and sharing your pics and have fun!